Page 62: 'The day seemed almost warm' suggests it's summer which could explain why they 'slept' in the day as the nights are shorter
Page 32: 'The nights now only slightly less black' It's spring and nighttime is in the past 'dream'
Page 113: 'ample time' suggests that they have no rush or deadline and that it doesn't matter how much time they take even though their time is running out
Page 91: 'after a while' time is passing but they have no way of measuring it or it's not important to them anymore as even if they could tell how much time had gone past it wouldn't mean anything anymore
Well done for realising time is now imaterial. It is a slight paradox however that McCarthy focuses on a more 'natural' style of living (i.e. according to the seasons) yet these seasons are pointless as no life is sustained by it.