Monday, 3 December 2012

Metaphors and Symbolism

Water, cleansing and washing Suggests some kind of cleansing of all the destruction. Also symbolises the boy and the man trying to maintain some form of hygeine to show that they have not completely regressed from civilisation

The mountain Shows that nature can still prevail from the destruction. Possibly reresents the challenges they face along the road as well as the struggles that people face to survive

The sea This shows the decay of the boy and the man's dreams as their goal is to reach the coast but when they get there the boy is disappointed by the fact that the sea is grey like much of the scenery in the novel rather than the blue that his father remembers. This symbolises that the world that the man lived in has changed to the one that the boy lives in and will remember. The decay is also highlighted at the end where a dead fish washes up on the shore showing that there is little life left.

Ash  Suggests that the earth has died, symbolic of a cremation. The ash will turn to dust showing that once all the life is gone there will be nothing left to show their existence. It could also represent hope that life will return as it represents a phoenix rising from the ashes.

Fire Shows the destruction and devastation but could also suggest a beauty about it as at the same time it is the fire that keeps the boy and the man from dying in the cold and 'carry the fire' is also symbolic of the spirit and determination they need to survive.

Sight/Sightlessness Sight/lack of it would suggest that man was unable to look forward and pre-empt the apocalypse but the sight symbolises that it is crucial to survive as if they were blind they would not be able to escape from trouble.

Seeds Represents new life/beginnings but as there are no nutrients in the soil as the land is 'desolate' the seed cannot be nurtured to grow and regenerate the world/restore what used to be.

Coca Cola can  Symbolises what America used to be. Also represents comercialism and how materialistic people used to be before the apocalypse. Represents the death of American society and values as the brand is distinctly American but also shows the impact that it's had worldwide as has the apocalypse

Other metaphors/symbols The boy represents the goodness and the hope that many others on the road seem to have lost. If he survives long enough he represents the possibility to restore some kind of order or society as he lives out his life, however the regeneration that he could possibly symbolise is limited because when he dies the rest of human life seems likely to end as the lack of women in the novel suggests that reproduction would not be possible.

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